Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation
ICT for success in all areas of study and work, Science, Math, Engineering
"Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation with ARTS Integration supports STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education in our world community. Our goal is to make the best education and professional training in all areas of ICT, Science, Math and the Arts universally accessible to all students.
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....translating books through "Fan Noli" Publishing House.
See list below the pictures:

I have translated from Italian into Albanian the following books:
“Essay on Psychoanalysis” of Sigmund Freud in 2006.
I have translated from English into Albanian:
British novel of Emyr Humphreys, "The Shop" in 2007.
Turkish novel of Ayfer Tunc , "Aziz Bey' s Tragic Incident" in 2008.
Turkish novel of Levent Mete, "Inside Rika's brain" in 2008.
Turkish novel of Cem Selcen, "Blame the Apple" in 2009.
Turkish novel of Gönül Kivilcim, "Razor Boy" in 2009.
Turkish novel of Cem Mumcu, "Sarcophagus" in 2009.
Turkish novel of Gündüz Vassaf, "Prisoners of ourselves" in 2010.
Turkish novel of Orhan Kemal, "My father's house" in 2010.
Turkish novel of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, "A mind at peace" in 2011.
Turkish novel of Mine Kirikkanat, "Destina" in 2012.
Turkish novel of Ece Vahapoğlu, "The Other (Öteki)" in 2013.
Finnish novel of Katri Lipson, "The Ice-cream man" in 2014.
Business book of Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, "Rework", in 2015. (Ejal Publishing)
American novel of Elin Hilderbrand, "The matchmaker", in 2016.(Ejal Publishing)
Estonian novel of Meelis Friedenthal, "The willow king", in 2017.
Turkish Novel of Hakan Gunday, "Needle-fish", in 2018.
Turkish novel of Çiler İlhan "Chamber of Dream Merchants", in 2018.
American novel of Charles Bukowski, "The most beautiful woman in town," in 2019.

Nga novela e Orhan Kemal, "Shtepia e Babait".
An extract from Orhan Kemal's novel "My Father's House"

Nga novela e Meelis Friedenthal, "Mbreti i Shelgjeve".
An extract from Meelis Friedenthal's novel, "The Willow King"

Nga novela e Ayfer Tunç, "Incidenti tragjik i Aziz Bey".
An extract from Ayfer Tunç's novel, "The Ice-cream man"

Nga novela e Katri Lipson, "Akulloreshitesi".
An extract from Katri Lipson's novel, "The Ice-cream man"

Nga novela e Emir Humphreys, "Shitorja".
An extract from Emir Humphreys's novel, "The shop"

Nga novela e Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, "Paqja".
An extract from Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar's novel, "A mind at peace "

Nga novela e Cem Mumcu, "Sarkofagu".
An extract from Cem Mumcu's novel, "Sarcophagus"

Nga novela e Ece Vahapoglu, "Të tjerët".
An extract from Ece Vahapoglu's novel, "The Other "

Nga novela e Çiler Ilhan, "Oda e Tregtarëve të Endërrave".
An extract from Çiler Ilhan's novel, "Chamber of Dream Merchants"