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Virtual Learning during COVID-19 outbreak
Tools and Advice for Virtual Learning

Tools and Advice for Virtual Learning
▪"The Future Is Here: How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Studies"

▪"How Students Can Back Up Their Data in 2022: Best Free & Paid Options [+Infographic]"

The article discusses the reasons why students should back up their data, and it also offers the best options for backup.

▪Top 15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Dropping Out of College

▪“Dropping out of College: Why, How, and What to Do After + Infographic”

▪"How to Continue Learning after College Graduation"

A great article which can help preserve natural curiosity and interest in studies long after your college years are over. Also, it finds reasons why lifelong learning matters and how it can help live a fulfilling life.

▪"The Importance of Mentorship for Students: Benefits, Mentoring Types, & How to Get One"

A highly informative article on mentorship. You’ll find various college mentorship programs and how you can benefit from working with a mentor.

▪"The Complete Guide to Esports in College: Everything You Need to Know" 

A great article article which tells all about playing esports in college. Also, it looks at how to rise through the ranks in professional gaming, how to enter a college team, and much more.

"Freshman 15 — Why We Think It’s a Toxic Myth + Tips for Healthy Diet as a Student" *New 2024

A great article which explores the myths surrounding the Freshman 15 and provides tips for a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

"AI Detection: Falsely Accused of Using ChatGPT for Academic Writing"  New 2024

A greainfographic providing tips on how to effectively protect yourself and prove that you have maintained academic integrity.

"The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process"  New 2024

A greaarticle which explores how sound affects the learning process and offers practical tips on using sound to enhance productivity during study sessions.

Screencastify for Remote Teaching

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Follett Offers Interactive ebook Platform for Free to Schools

Discovery Education Launches New Virtual Learning Resource

Discover Resources

Choose from thousands of vetted, high-quality resources that adapt to and complement your teaching practices, including videos, images, interactives, reading passages, podcasts, and more. All content is ad-free, carefully curated, and segmented by grade level to help find exactly what you need.

Instructional Supports

Use the resources below to get going now:

Daily DE :

Virtual Field Trips

Student Learning Activities channel

Instructional Inspiration channel

5 Ways Digital Content Can Support Virtual Learning

An infographic on ''Word Processors Through Time: Before MS Word and Google Docs''.

Do people these days know the history of writing software? The infographic explores what people used before MS Word and other modern word processors became a thing. 

Article on "VR and the metaverse in education from the educational blog StudyCorgi":

We explore the possibilities of immersive learning, the most popular areas of VR use, as well as applications for it and even tried to answer the question: "Is VR ready for education?"

Article on "Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples" :

 A comprehensive article about the benefits of lifelong learning, why it’s never too late to start, and how you can unlock the power of lifelong learning to enhance your personal, academic, and professional life.   

An informative article on dating tips from the Psychology Writing blog

This article delves into the intricacies of introversion and offers guidance on how to make the most of it during a date. Our tips are relevant across genders and ages, so let’s dive in!


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