Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation
ICT for success in all areas of study and work, Science, Math, Engineering
"Builders of the Dream STEAM Foundation with ARTS Integration supports STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education in our world community. Our goal is to make the best education and professional training in all areas of ICT, Science, Math and the Arts universally accessible to all students.
All our Educational Resources are now available on discount for only 3 $ each
through Learndesk.us

Accelerated Scratch Course !!! for 10-15 year olds of grades 6-9, in 5, 2 h sessions each, for 100 $ in total, one on one or in groups of 2-5 students, with excellent teaching practices to driving real-world innovations.

Trust in dreams, for in them is the hidden gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran
1 John 2:27 So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.


Our students test on average 78% better then nationwide averages on computer skills
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
Call Now: +355-69-22-40-603, in Tirana, Albania
or email: orkida.muca@gmail.com
Request a free 15 minute consultation

Proven Success: 90%
grade improvement;
75% higher test scores

Grade improvement happens because of new approaches to learning. Students may choose from one on one learning or group learning. They succeed due to a daily assessment of their previous class.
Customized Learning

Our strategic learning plan is to equip students with all the skills to succeed in life. We present at their disposal our long teaching experience in several international organizations and training we have had throughout our life. We strongly believe that one on one learning is essential in boosting student's preparation.
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

Students differ in the learning approaches. Some specific individuals succeed because of one on one learning.
Exam Prep

Our exams are created by highly skilled professionals. Our students will love to take highly challenging tests and in the same time easy to understand.